Question: Certain GALAXY tools cause the Workflow editor to stay in save progress in local installation (Ubuntu)
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2.8 years ago by
nasos.tsoukalas0 wrote:


I have a local GALAXY installation in Ubuntu and there are certain GALAXY tools that cause the Workflow editor to stay in save progress (e.g. FASTQ Groomer)

Other tools work fine and wont create the issue (e.g. FASTQ Parallel Groomer)

There is no error or issue produced when the tools are inserted in the workflow editor. Also when the save status is stuck, i dont see any debug code in the server log in the terminal.

Is this a known issue with local GALAXY installation and what could be the cause ?

Thanks in advance for any help and suggestions

galaxy workflow editor • 649 views
ADD COMMENTlink modified 2.8 years ago by Jennifer Hillman Jackson25k • written 2.8 years ago by nasos.tsoukalas0
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