News: Galaxy Events in Europe This Fall
gravatar for Dave Clements
4.3 years ago by
Dave Clements ♦♦ 2.5k
United States
Dave Clements ♦♦ 2.5k wrote:

Hello all,

There are several Galaxy related events in Europe this fall. These events are a great way to meet other Galaxy users and developers and learn and share best practices.  Events start with ECCB and then wander the continent ending in Italy in November.

If you are interested in learning more about Galaxy and/or the community, then please give these a look.





September 6-10

At least one tutorial, a panel of European Public Galaxy Instances, and 5 posters

European Conference on Computational Biology (ECCB'14), Strasbourg, France


September 11

Tools integration on Galaxy

This event is now full.

Galaxy User Group Grand Ouest, Rennes, France

Cyril MonjeaudYvan Le Bras

September 15

Fourth GUGGO meeting

Galaxy User Group Grand Ouest, Rennes, France

Cyril MonjeaudYvan Le Bras

September 23-25

Analisi dati Next Generation Sequencing con Galaxy

Cagliari, Italy


September 24

Introduction to Galaxy - Data Manipulation and Visualisation

University of Cambridge, United Kingdom

Anne Pajon, Jing Su

September 25

RADseq analysis using STACKS on Galaxy

Galaxy User Group Grand Ouest, Rennes, France

Yvan Le BrasCyril Monjeaud

September 30 - October 2

RNA-Seq & ChIP-Seq analysis course using Galaxy

PRABI, Lyon, France

Navratil V., Oger C.Veber P.Deschamps C.Perriere G.

September 30

Galaxy Training and Demo Day

Bern (Switzerland)

Hans-Rudolf Hotz and Bjoern Gruening

October 1

(second Swiss) Galaxy Workshop

SyBIT Tech Day, Bern (Switzerland)

Hans-Rudolf Hotz and Bjoern Gruening

October 2

German Galaxy Developers Day

Freiburg (Germany)

Hans-Rudolf Hotz and Bjoern Gruening

November 18-20

Analisi dati Next Generation Sequencing con Galaxy

Cagliari, Italy


Europe does not have a monopoly on events in the coming months.  There are also events in Australia and North America,  See the Galaxy Events Page for a complete list.

Cheers / Au revoir / Ciao / Auf Wiedersehen / Ahoj,

Dave C

news events • 1.1k views
ADD COMMENTlink modified 4.3 years ago by Martin Čech ♦♦ 4.9k • written 4.3 years ago by Dave Clements ♦♦ 2.5k

And this workshop has now been scheduled in Zagreb:

September 30

CIR Interactive Workshop - Introduction to bioinformatics analysis with Galaxy application

RBI, Zagreb, Croatia

Enis Afgan


ADD REPLYlink modified 4.3 years ago • written 4.3 years ago by Dave Clements ♦♦ 2.5k
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