News: Galaxy Days: 2-3 December, Paris
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4.1 years ago by
oinizan0 wrote:

The French Working Group GALAXY-IFB (Institut Français de Bioinformatique) is organizing a second session around the Galaxy portal.

The event will be at Institut Curie in Paris over two days. This year, we want to involve two communities: biologists (also known as Galaxy 'users') and bioinformaticians (Galaxy 'developers').

The goal is to present user experience around the portal, from a single user to a wider community:

  • Dec 2 (13:30-17:30): Galaxy's user experiences, and discussion on how the platform is (or is not) useful for building analysis.
  • Dec 3 (09:00-17:00): Technology talks (new environment, Galaxy in production, ...)

You are strongly encouraged to submit an abstract before october 31 to <ifb DOT galaxy AT sb DASH roscoff DOT fr>. The abstract should be in English and 10/20 lines long. Please put "[Galaxy Day]" in the subject line.

The French IFB Galaxy Working Group:

URGI, GenoToul, MIGALE, PFEM, SouthGreen, Institut Curie, ABiMS


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