News: Galaxy Workshops @ Agronony, Crop and Soil Science Meeting in November
gravatar for Dave Clements
4.2 years ago by
Dave Clements ♦♦ 2.5k
United States
Dave Clements ♦♦ 2.5k wrote:

Hello all,

This year Galaxy will have a presence (for the first time) at the ASA, CSSA, and SSSA International Annual Meeting.  We are offering 3 workshops.  See below for details.

Early registration ends in two weeks, on September 17.  After that workshop registration rates go up by as much as 30%.  The meeting is being held in Long Beach, California, United States, from Nov 1-5.

Please let us know if you have any questions, and we hope to see you there.

Dave C


Introduction to Bioinformatics Analysis with Galaxy
Saturday, Nov. 1, 2:00 pm–4:00 pm  

This hands-on workshop will introduce the Galaxy platform and walk participants through a multi-step analysis exercise using example genomic data.  We will also cover basic bioinformatics topics such as common file formats and visualization.  Participants will leave this workshop knowing how to do basic bioinformatics analysis on public Galaxy servers, and how to use Galaxy to explore and learn many other types of bioinformatics analysis. This workshop complements the later SNP/Variant Analysis with Galaxy and the A Gentle Introduction to Cloud Computing: Setting up your own Galaxy Server workshops. 
Price: $30 ($40 after Sept. 17)

SNP/Variant Analysis with Galaxy
Sunday, Nov. 2, 8:00 am–12:00 pm  

This hands-on workshop will walk participants through a multi-step SNP and variant data analysis exercise using next generation sequencing (NGS) data generated from crops.  The workshop will introduce NGS data formats and quality control and then walk through the analysis within the context of Galaxy, taking full advantage of Galaxy’s rich tool set and visualization capabilities. The workshop assumes no knowledge of command line interfaces or programming and will not use either. This workshop complements the earlier Introduction to Bioinformatics Analysis with Galaxy and subsequent A Gentle Introduction to Cloud Computing: Setting up your own Galaxy Server workshops. While attendance at the prior workshop would be helpful it is not required to attend this workshop. 
Price: $60 ($80 after Sept. 17)

A Gentle Introduction to Cloud Computing: Setting up your own Galaxy Server
Sunday, Nov. 2, 2:00 pm–5:00 pm  

Cloud computing is an affordable way to support the widely variable and ad hoc nature of bioinformatics analysis that does not require setting up or maintaining local compute clusters.
This talk will briefly introduce basic cloud concepts and the Galaxy CloudMan package.  We’ll then run a hands-on demonstration where each participant will set up a Galaxy server on Amazon Web Services (one of the several cloud infrastructure options) using CloudMan, add a dynamically scalable compute back-end cluster to perform analysis, customize the server by adding new tools, run a basic analysis using crop data that we load onto the server, and then shut the server down when we no longer need it.  All steps will be done thorough a web browser, without ever using a command line interface.
This workshop complements the earlier Introduction to Bioinformatics Analysis with Galaxy and SNP/Variant Analysis with Galaxy workshops. Attendance at the prior workshops is not required to attend this workshop. In addition to being available on the cloud, Galaxy is open-source and can be installed locally.  There are over 50 publicly accessible Galaxy servers and hundreds of private installations around the world.
Price: $35 ($45 after Sept. 17)

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