Question: what is the differences between GigaGalaxy and Galaxy?Why upload data in GigaGalaxy take so much time still unfinished?
gravatar for hoppingfirefly
4.5 years ago by
hoppingfirefly0 wrote:

What is the differences between GigaGalaxy and Galaxy? I need to use the tool "NGS:SOAPdenovo2" in GigaGalaxy, but I donnot know how to get data like from database.And the I uplaod my data, and there is my question: Why upload data in GigaGalaxy take so much time still unfinished?

assembly galaxy • 1.3k views
ADD COMMENTlink modified 4.5 years ago by fubar1.1k • written 4.5 years ago by hoppingfirefly0
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4.5 years ago by
fubar1.1k wrote:

1) What is the differences between GigaGalaxy and Galaxy?

They run the same open source code, but are managed and owned by different people. If you look at the gigagalaxy URL, reading from right to left, it's hosted at a Hong Kong educational institution.

2) And the I uplaod my data, and there is my question: Why upload data in GigaGalaxy take so much time still unfinished?

This biostar site is connected to the main Galaxy. Galaxy is open source so lots of public Galaxy instances are run independently. The GigaScience folk might read your question, but it would be much quicker to ask that question of the GigaGalaxy site admins directly. Perhaps the statement on their Galaxy front page (see below) will give you some clues as to how to get in touch with them? (Unfortunately, their "help" link has not been changed from the default in the Galaxy source code and still pointsto the main Galaxy Wiki)

GigaGalaxy is GigaScience's Galaxy-based platform for supporting the reproducibility of data analyses. We will be using GigaGalaxy to provide computational tools and workflows that further document and/or reproduce the data analyses reported in papers published in our journal. In addition, we will be making the next-generation sequencing tools developed by BGI available from this platform. GigaGalaxy is a joint project with Prof. Tin-Lap Lee and Huayan Gao at the CUHK-BGI Innovation Institute of Trans-omics. We are supported by BGI and by The China National Genebank.

ADD COMMENTlink modified 4.5 years ago • written 4.5 years ago by fubar1.1k
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