Question: "Pages" In History List (Short Rant)
gravatar for Assaf Gordon
9.2 years ago by
Assaf Gordon320
United States
Assaf Gordon320 wrote:
(My galaxy's not working, I have lots of time to write emails...) There's a new "pages" feature on the main galaxy site (was it introduced just yesterday?). It almost gave me a heart attack... There's no clear indication of division to pages (like a big shiny "next" button) and the links to the 1/2/3/4 pages are really tiny. For a second I thought all my old histories were gone. That being said, I really don't like this feature. On my internal galaxy (which is not upgraded yet) I have more than 250 histories. That's 25 pages (!). The histories are not tagged (since tagging is a new feature) - so there's no way of filtering them. Without pagination, all my histories are shown on one page, and I can use my browser's "find" function to look for a history by name (or just sort by date and scroll down the list). Why do I need division to pages ? Please note that almost all web sites that do use pages, offer a global "search" button (not just tag search) - so in practice (if the search engine is good) - there's no need to go to the "next" page. This is not the case in Galaxy. Think about how much work I have to do in order to find a history, If I didn't tag it (or if I forgot the tag name) - way too taxing. Also, the links themselves are very very small - it might make me sound like a grumpy bitter old man (which I am), but navigating galaxy with all those small triangle drop-down menus and small links becomes an exercise in hand-eye coordination and fine motor skills. Not all galaxy users are computer-savvy, they don't all swoosh and pinch and swap (or whatever you mac people do with the mouse). Please keep galaxy easy and accessible. Just my two cents, - gordon.
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