Question: Sharing Histories Use Case (Another Rant)
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9.2 years ago by
Assaf Gordon320
United States
Assaf Gordon320 wrote:
Another small usability issue... Use case: I want to share an existing history by link. 1. click on "options" button 2. click on "Stored By you" link (not very intuitive - one needs to read the grayed line ABOVE the link for the complete sentence: "List Your Histories Stored By You" ... usually it is recommended that the link itself contains the verb, like "List Your Histories" ). 3. Scroll to the page containing the desired history, no way to find it if I didn't tag it. 4. find the history, click on the little triangle next to it. 5. from the popup menu, select "share" 6. see the share page, realize this is sharing only by email, not by link - oops. 7. go back to history list. 8. again scroll to the right page. 9. Select the check-box next to the history 10. click on "Enable Import Via Link" 11. You are "jumped" back to page one. (arrgg!!! pages!!!!) 12. scroll again to the right page. 13. see the "importable" link next to the desired history. click it. 14. you get a page of ALL your shared histories, not sorted by any understandable way (time of sharing?) 15. manually search for the right history (by name). 16. copy link. 17. profit! I love galaxy, but sometimes it drives me crazy ;) -gordon.
galaxy • 617 views
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