Question: How Do I Remove "Histories Shared With You By Others"?
Casey Bergman • 40 wrote:
Hello -
I am trying to clean out my "Histories shared with you by others" page
on the main public Galaxy server. I would like to remove old
histories shared with me. I have tried two methods, neither of which
allow me to remove these histories:
1. clicking the check box to a history shared with me, then clicking
"Unshare" at the bottom of the page
2. clicking the drop down menu and then selecting "Unshare"
In both cases, I get the error message "History is not owned by the
current user". This behavior appears to be referenced in another
recent thread from the sharer's side
Any ideas on what is going on here?
Best regards,
• link
modified 4.8 years ago
Jennifer Hillman Jackson ♦ 25k
4.8 years ago by
Casey Bergman • 40