Question: Cuffdif Output Notest
0 • 30 wrote:
Dear all,
I have Illumina RNAseq data and want to look for differences in gene
expression between male and female rats and transgenic vs. wildtype;
for each condition I have triplicates. I mapped with TopHat for
Illumina, using the reference genome rn5 and default settings. I did
Cuffdiff afterwards and used the GTF-file Rattus
norvegicus.Rnor_5.0.72.gtf as transcript. As result I got no
significant changes in expression and it always says "NO TEST" (or
sometimes "LOW DATA"). I found that lowering or raising the -c option
might control the cuffdiff behavior, but I do not know what it is and
how to control it. Can you explain me how to do it? And would you
advise me to use another transcript for Cuffdiff? And when yes, where
can I get it?
Lots of questions. Thanks in advance for your answer.
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modified 4.6 years ago
Jennifer Hillman Jackson ♦ 25k
4.6 years ago by • 30