Hi, I am trying to run cuffdiff on Galaxy and I keep on running into the same error:
Fatal error: Exit code 1 () [11:08:04] Loading reference annotation. Error reference gene annotation differs between samples! /galaxy-repl/main/files/014/574/dataset_14574561.dat /galaxy-repl/main/files/014/535/dataset_14535943.dat: 702213666! /galaxy-
I have run this a few times and this is all I am seeing. The thing is, aside from the transcripts being GTF files and the conditions being cuffquant (cxb) files, it should have worked. My TA has given me the following instructions on how to use cuffdiff:
Run [NGS: RNA Analysis >] Select Cuffdiff. Upload the GENCODE GTF.
SQlite’ select ‘YES’. Under ‘input data type’ select ‘Cuffquant CXB’ format. For condition 1 include
the data assigned from RNA-seq assignment 2. For condition 2 include the K562 dataset.
And in the end, we are supposed to look at the ‘Gene differential FPKM’ file to identify which genes are differentially expressed between the two conditions.
I am doing everything that is listed, but it keeps on coming in error. I am not familiar with the program, so providing steps as to how I can do it would help me a lot, but any help is greatly appreciated!
Thank you!