Question: Error In "Filter"
gravatar for Ross Hardison
12.6 years ago by
Ross Hardison270
United States
Ross Hardison270 wrote:
This is with Galaxy2.2-test ( For a file with this format: chr7 115444940 115447120 input_line_1 400 + intronic_proximal 1.0000 0.153597 0.000300 0.944100 330.387200 2151 chr7 115447433 115448233 input_line_2 400 + intronic_proximal 1.0000 0.378290 0.000800 0.994800 302.632000 800 chr7 115448438 115449021 input_line_3 400 + intronic_proximal 1.0000 0.117626 0.001000 0.572000 67.046900 570 chr7 115451858 115452630 input_line_4 500 + intronic_distal 1.0000 0.245333 0.000300 0.954500 189.397301 772 chr7 115453188 115453306 input_line_5 500 + intronic_distal 1.0000 0.161356 0.000400 0.609000 19.040000 118 chr7 115453387 115454302 input_line_6 500 + intronic_distal 1.0000 0.100500 0.000300 0.723800 91.957300 915 I tried to "filter" on column 7, selecting 'intronic_proximal' The error says: 36: Filter on data 34 ďżź An error occurred running this job: Cannot recognize the word intronic in condition c7 == 'intronic_proximal' delete Ross Hardison T. Ming Chu Professor of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology The Pennsylvania State University 304 Wartik Laboratory University Park, PA 16802 e-mail: phone: 814-863-0113 FAX: 814-863-7024
galaxy • 627 views
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