Question: Tools: Merge Regions Of A Single Query
Erika • 100 wrote:
I've tried using the "Operate on Genomic Intervals" tool called
"Merge regions of a single query" with some puzzling results. So
from the example provided with the tool it seems that if regions fail
to merge (i.e. they are unique) then they should be returned in the
output along with the merged results, correct? I have used 3
different data files, for human hg18, chimp panTro2, and macaque
rheMac2, and each of these files has returned an empty output
result. However, they have successfully completed the operation (no
error messages were returned). Does this indicate that all regions
are unique? Does this indicate a problem with the input file? Does
this indicate a problem with the tool?
I have attached an example file.
Thank you for your help,
E.M. Kvikstad
Academic Computing Fellow
IGDP Genetics
Center for Comparative Genomics and Bioinformatics
The Pennsylvania State University
208 Mueller Lab
University Park, PA 16802
(814) 863-2185
• link
modified 12.2 years ago
Ian Schenck • 40
12.2 years ago by
Erika • 100