Question: Velvet-Galaxy
gravatar for Jorge Braun
5.0 years ago by
Jorge Braun70
Jorge Braun70 wrote:
Hello mates, I'm new working with velvet and these days have several questions, if anyone knows solution ... It is a great help! Try using the galaxy velvet web platform but there are problems: a) Velveth Velveth and functional? Because galaxy appears when running in error: Unable to run Velveth: No file exists b) there worflow to install velvet in galaxy? thank you very much
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ADD COMMENTlink modified 5.0 years ago by Jennifer Hillman Jackson25k • written 5.0 years ago by Jorge Braun70
gravatar for Jennifer Hillman Jackson
5.0 years ago by
United States
Jennifer Hillman Jackson25k wrote:
Hello Jorge, This is on a local install of Galaxy? The problem with the tool install sounds to be similar to the one you are having with trinity. The core issue could be that the binary has not been installed. But first, you set up the installation as a production server? And again, just to make sure, you are running the most current distribution? Distribution news: Initial set up: http:/ Then to set up as a "production server" (meaning, customize): er Some tool wrappers come with the Galaxy distribution, others you obtain from the Tool Shed. Of these, some tools (including many from a Tool Shed repository) will manage the installation of dependencies like binaries, but others require that you download and install the underlying binary yourself (true for any in the distribution and some in the Tool Shed). This is what the dependencies are and where to find them (when a tool is in the distribution, or was, check the Tool Shed repository if that is where the tool is sourced from): And this is how to incorporate it into your instance: How to install tools from the Tool Shed: nd_uninstalling_tool_shed_repositories_within_a_Galaxy_instance This was a question that is a good fit for the mailing list as well, so if you need help with installation, please post a new question there. The more specific you are about what the problem is, the easier it is for others to offer help (where in the installation process you are having issues, etc.). Both velvet and trinity can be resource intensive, so if you have trouble with them on a local install (run, but not enough resource - compute or memory), then moving to a cloud may be a solution. All Admin wiki docs are here: And prior Q&A plus admin docs can be searched here: (Both are linked from the wiki side bar under "Deploy Galaxy") Hope this helps! Jen Galaxy team -- Jennifer Hillman-Jackson
ADD COMMENTlink written 5.0 years ago by Jennifer Hillman Jackson25k
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