Question: Problems With Links In Webpage Output...
gravatar for Nick Schurch
9.3 years ago by
Nick Schurch50
Nick Schurch50 wrote:
Dear Galaxy-gurus, I have a tool I've written myself which runs successfully and generates an HTML file as its output. Included in the webpage are several links for downloading other files produced by the script. I've tried to follow the instructions I found on the wiki -- -- which gives some (rather vague) instructions about where to put the files and how to reference them in the output webpage, but I'm not having much luck. The script successfully puts the files in the directory where (I think) they are supposed to be: i.e /homes/www- galaxy/galaxy_devel/database/files/000/{myoutputfile}.files_path, and the output links to them very simply with download file - as per the wikipage... But when I view the output webpage from a test run and try and download the links all I get is a page saying: "The resource could not be found. File Not Found (myfilename.txt)." The link itself is pointing to: <my galaxy="" url="">/datasets/XXX/display/myfilename.txt Is this the right place? Once again, any help would be greatly appreciated! -- Cheers, Nick Schurch Data Analysis Group (The Barton Group), School of Life Sciences, University of Dundee, Dow St, Dundee, DD1 5EH, Scotland, UK Tel: +44 1382 388707 Fax: +44 1382 345 893
galaxy • 775 views
ADD COMMENTlink modified 9.3 years ago by Daniel Blankenberg ♦♦ 1.7k • written 9.3 years ago by Nick Schurch50
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9.3 years ago by
Daniel Blankenberg ♦♦ 1.7k
United States
Daniel Blankenberg ♦♦ 1.7k wrote:
Hi Nick, If your command is like this: <command>some_command $input1 $output1 $output1.files_path </command> Your script 'some_command' needs to create the directory specified by '$output1.files_path' and then place your additional files in that directory. These files can then be accessed by relative links in your html file (output1). Let us know if you need further assistance, Dan
ADD COMMENTlink written 9.3 years ago by Daniel Blankenberg ♦♦ 1.7k
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