Question: what is "your galaxy path" ????
gravatar for solo7773
2.4 years ago by
solo777320 wrote:

HI guys, I am running my local Galaxy on Ubuntu 16.04. Actually, everything is OK but such an user-friendly galaxy with a hard-to-understand messy wiki/manual/tutorial drives me crazy!

I am going to use the iarc MutSpec (also, the user manual is totally messy). I installed MutSpec from Galaxy toolshed successfully. MutSpec depends on ANNOVAR. I download ANNOVAR and export ANNOVAR's perl scripts location to the Ubuntu PATH. I can successfully run these ANNOVAR scripts directly in the Ubuntu Terminal (i.e.$

BUT, when I implement my job within Galaxy using the MutSpec tool, after I set up the input data, reference genome, and then click execute, unfortunately, an error appears:

ERROR : not found. Add annovar scripts to your galaxy path !
/home/zsf/Downloads/executables/shed_tools/ line 2: $'\r': command not found /home/zsf/Do

Then I inspected the, it includes snippet like following

command -v >/dev/null 2>&1 || {
        echo "ERROR: not found. Add annovar scripts to your galaxy path!";
        return 1;

May I know what the "Galaxy path" is? When I searched in the Galaxy web wiki page, it says no records found for my search. !@#$%^& I even have no word to express my feeling. The Galaxy installation instruction says nothing at all about the "Galaxy path".

My local Galaxy directory is /home/zsf/Downloads/executables/galaxy

I run my local Galxy using sh /home/zsf/Downloads/executables/galaxy/

All in all, if any body knows, please tell me, where to find the "Galaxy home", how to set it for the MutSpec use.

Thanks a lot.


annovar galaxy • 1.6k views
ADD COMMENTlink modified 2.4 years ago by Peter van Heusden150 • written 2.4 years ago by solo777320
gravatar for Peter van Heusden
2.4 years ago by
Peter van Heusden150 wrote:

"Your galaxy path" in this case is the PATH environment variable available to your Galaxy server. So in your case, needs to be in a directory that is in PATH so that Galaxy can run it. So, at the point where you are doing the sh /home/zsf/Downloads/executables/galaxy/, can you run (without specifying its full location)? If not, Galaxy will also not be able to run it.

An alternative to putting directly in the Galaxy PATH is to use a dependency resolver to let Galaxy find the script.

ADD COMMENTlink written 2.4 years ago by Peter van Heusden150

Thank you Peter. I think your first solution doesn't work on my problem. For your second suggestion, sorry I am new and don't know how to configure the file. First of all, please have a look at my directory structure

|---- /home/zsf/Downloads/executables

|-------- /home/zsf/Downloads/executables/annovar

|------------ /home/zsf/Downloads/executables/annovar/

|------------ /home/zsf/Downloads/executables/annovar/

|------------ /home/zsf/Downloads/executables/annovar/......

|-------- /home/zsf/Downloads/executables/galaxy


Now, please have a look at my Ubuntu PATH

$ echo $PATH


Besides, actually, I can run without full path in Ubuntu terminal, i.e., I can run using


Can you give me more advice?

ADD REPLYlink modified 2.4 years ago • written 2.4 years ago by solo777320

So with this all in your path, you then go sh /home/zsf/Downloads/executables/galaxy/ ? I think, however, the subshell that Galaxy uses to run the tool does not inherit the path. You could try adding:

export PATH

to config/ This gets sourced by Galaxy as it starts up.

ADD REPLYlink written 2.4 years ago by Peter van Heusden150

Thank you Peter. With $PATH including the galaxy directory, I can run galaxy by


but if use sh (or bash) command, I can only run with full path assigned, like follows

$ sh /home/zsf/Downloads/executables/galaxy/
$ bash /home/zsf/Downloads/executables/galaxy/

According to your suggestion, no config/ exists in my galaxy/config directory. I created a new config/ file and added the lines you gave, but unfortunately, it doesn't work either.

ADD REPLYlink modified 2.4 years ago • written 2.4 years ago by solo777320
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