HI guys, I am running my local Galaxy on Ubuntu 16.04. Actually, everything is OK but such an user-friendly galaxy with a hard-to-understand messy wiki/manual/tutorial drives me crazy!
I am going to use the iarc MutSpec (also, the user manual is totally messy). I installed MutSpec from Galaxy toolshed successfully. MutSpec depends on ANNOVAR. I download ANNOVAR and export ANNOVAR's perl scripts location to the Ubuntu PATH. I can successfully run these ANNOVAR scripts directly in the Ubuntu Terminal (i.e.$ table_annovar.pl
BUT, when I implement my job within Galaxy using the MutSpec tool, after I set up the input data, reference genome, and then click execute, unfortunately, an error appears:
ERROR : table_annovar.pl not found. Add annovar scripts to your galaxy path !
/home/zsf/Downloads/executables/shed_tools/toolshed.g2.bx.psu.edu/repos/iarc/mutspec/46a10309dfe2/mutspec/mutspecAnnot_wrapper.sh: line 2: $'\r': command not found /home/zsf/Do
Then I inspected the mutspecAnnot_wrapper.sh, it includes snippet like following
command -v table_annovar.pl >/dev/null 2>&1 || {
echo "ERROR: table_annovar.pl not found. Add annovar scripts to your galaxy path!";
return 1;
May I know what the "Galaxy path" is? When I searched in the Galaxy web wiki page, it says no records found for my search. !@#$%^& I even have no word to express my feeling. The Galaxy installation instruction says nothing at all about the "Galaxy path".
My local Galaxy directory is /home/zsf/Downloads/executables/galaxy
I run my local Galxy using sh /home/zsf/Downloads/executables/galaxy/run.sh
All in all, if any body knows, please tell me, where to find the "Galaxy home", how to set it for the MutSpec use.
Thanks a lot.