Question: Cloudman Console Not Responding
gravatar for Deniz Erezyilmaz
5.3 years ago by
Deniz Erezyilmaz20 wrote:
Over the past couple weeks I have had multiple problems using the CloudMan/AWS using a custom pipeline, and I have been unable to complete an instance while racking up large charges from Amazon. There have been three types of problems: 1) Autoscaling and manual changes to the nodes are not showing. Although the EC2 console shows that they are active, the Cloudman console does not, and the performance of the instance suggests that they have not been activated. 2) Share string is not loading. 3) Disk will not resize. Here again, the change appears on the EC2 console, but not on the Cloudman console. The fact that I am unable to load large files suggests that the disk is truly not resized. It seems to me that there is some disconnect between Amazon and Galaxy. Thanks, Deniz
galaxy • 807 views
ADD COMMENTlink modified 5.3 years ago by Enis Afgan690 • written 5.3 years ago by Deniz Erezyilmaz20
gravatar for Enis Afgan
5.3 years ago by
Enis Afgan690
United States
Enis Afgan690 wrote:
Sorry to hear you're having trouble Deniz. I've just tried to replicate the issues and wanted to check back in with you. What type of instances are you adding? I've just added 4-5 instances and removed 2-3, all without any issues. Is CloudMan reporting any errors or any indication in the log as to what's happening with the non-functioning instances? You can get the full CloudMan log from the Admin page. Entering the share string directly on CloudMan at startup is not working for instances that have been shared before July this year. It's a chicken and egg problem that has no good technical workaround and as a result we're likely to remove that option all together in the near future. Instead, you should provide the share string at instance launch time in CloudLaunch<http:"" cloudlaunch="">or as part of user data. The resizing issue seems to be a bug so we'll need to take a look at this and let you know once fixed. Again, sorry for the trouble, Enis
ADD COMMENTlink written 5.3 years ago by Enis Afgan690
Hi Deniz, Resizing the data volume via the main CloudMan page is fixed now and will work for any newly created cluster.
ADD REPLYlink written 5.3 years ago by Enis Afgan690
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