Question: Gather Results From Multiple Histories
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5.8 years ago by
mark.rose@syngenta.com60 wrote:
Hi All Let's say that I have results produced from a step in multiple different histories and that I now want to gather these results into a new history so that they can be joined. Is there a way to do this without exporting results to my desktop and then uploading? Thanks Mark This message may contain confidential information. If you are not the designated recipient, please notify the sender immediately, and delete the original and any copies. Any use of the message by you is prohibited.
ADD COMMENTlink modified 5.8 years ago by Anton Nekrutenko1.7k • written 5.8 years ago by mark.rose@syngenta.com60
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5.8 years ago by
Penn State
Anton Nekrutenko1.7k wrote:
Mark: "Copy datsets" function in the history menu (see attached image) will allow you move datasets into a single history. Thanks! anton Anton Nekrutenko
ADD COMMENTlink written 5.8 years ago by Anton Nekrutenko1.7k
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