Question: Multiple Outputs
gravatar for Andrew Olson
10.1 years ago by
Andrew Olson30
Andrew Olson30 wrote:
I have a tool that uses the <repeat> tag in the xml file to gather an arbitrary number of inputs from the history. The tool gathers all the inputs and modifies some of them. Is it possible to create a new output for each of the corresponding inputs? Would it be defined in the tool.xml or can the <command> that is run let Galaxy know about the new outputs somehow? Andrew Olson
galaxy • 826 views
ADD COMMENTlink modified 10.1 years ago by James Casbon370 • written 10.1 years ago by Andrew Olson30
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10.1 years ago by
James Casbon370
James Casbon370 wrote:
2008/10/27 Andrew Olson <>: The only way I have found is to explicitly pass the outputs to the tool, but this doesn't work if the number is variable. Another thing I would like is to be able to set metadata about the output to give more information on what it is. For example, if a tool MyTool has 2 outputs, these both appear in the history as 'MyTool on data x'. It would be nice to set a 'metadata_history_name' or similar so that the user can discern the outputs easily. reference documentation for outputs: cheers, James
ADD COMMENTlink written 10.1 years ago by James Casbon370
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