Question: HISAT2 input to StringTie with UCSC mm10 or ncbi refseq GTF produces error message
gozrom • 0 wrote:
Hi, there, rerun HISAT2,
tried to run Stringtie for TPM,
when running only HISAT results as input everything works out, if I use any reference GTF from UCSC it produces error message.
Is there a reference GTF that I can download and use with any tool in Galaxy and will work out or it's not an option?
Thank you.
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modified 9 months ago
Jennifer Hillman Jackson ♦ 25k
9 months ago by
gozrom • 0
That's interesting when I change it to run specifically for ballgown it runs fine, but when the output is specific for DESeq2 and EdgeR it gets error messages.
Although, now I was planning to use ballgown to analyze the results of StringTie merge, and there is no Ballgown on Galaxy, is it possible to install ballgown on Galaxy?
Thank you.