Question: Help
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6.0 years ago by
Dr. Mira A. Bisso10 wrote:
Hello; I am having the following problems with RNAseq using galaxy; we have installed the Galaxy local version on local server. 1. FastQC not running . gives an error and doesn't run on groomed or un-groomed FastQ file. The error message shows in the below pic. 2. No reference genomein the drop down list in TOPHAT for illumine tool and TOPHAt2. Any solution? Thank you Mira [image001] Mira Bosso, M.Sc, B.D.S Research associate Pancreatic Islet Biology and Transplantation Unit P.O.Box 1180, Dasman 15462, Kuwait Phone: +965 2224 2999 Ext.2803 Mob: +96599500197 Email:<>
galaxy • 741 views
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