Question: Dataset Name In Dataset File
gravatar for Cittaro Davide
6.7 years ago by
Cittaro Davide20 wrote:
Hi all, I have a question about a weird usage of galaxy: suppose I have 23 files, each for a chromosome, suppose the dataset name (in history) contains the chromosome name but the dataset content don't (i.e. I only have chrom position and 2 associated values), is there a way to add a column so that the content of the column contains the dataset name? In a automatic way, I mean... i.e. data-chr1 1000000 3.1 23 1000100 1.2 23 […] data-chr2 1234411 33.1 24 4225211 12.0 44 […] I would like them to be data-chr1 1000000 3.1 23 data-chr1 1000100 1.2 23 […] data-chr2 1234411 33.1 24 data-chr2 4225211 12.0 44 […] So that I can merge them and strip 'data-'... Oh, I know I can do it outside galaxy and upload the final file, but I would like to know if (and how) this is possible, d /* Davide Cittaro, PhD Head of Bioinformatics Core Center for Translational Genomics and Bioinformatics San Raffaele Scientific Institute Via Olgettina 58 20132 Milano Italy Office: +39 02 26439140 Mail: Skype: daweonline */
galaxy • 672 views
ADD COMMENTlink modified 6.7 years ago by Jennifer Hillman Jackson25k • written 6.7 years ago by Cittaro Davide20
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6.7 years ago by
United States
Jennifer Hillman Jackson25k wrote:
Hi Davide, The tool "Text Manipulation -> Add column to an existing dataset" could be used to add in the column. This would add in the data to the end of the existing file. To rearrange, use the "Cut columns from a table" tool. You could also create a single column file, with the repeated file name in each row, with the same number of rows as each of the 23 files and upload that. Then join this file with the 23 chrom files with "Paste two files side by side". There are probably other ways, but I think this This would all be manual. The re-run button (blue arrow) could be used to set up the tool form for each run, which would cut down a bit on the tediousness of running this on 23 files. If a better way comes up, we'll send an update, Thanks! Jen Galaxy team
ADD COMMENTlink written 6.7 years ago by Jennifer Hillman Jackson25k
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