Question: Performing Operations On Tab Delimited Text Files
gravatar for Lanelle Oni Edwards
7.0 years ago by
Lanelle Oni Edwards50 wrote:
Hi, My name is Lanelle Edwards. I am a new galaxy user. I uploaded a tab delimited text file to my history. However, the first column of the data I imported is solely chromosome number and start and end position (ALL IN ONE COLUMN) in the format chrI:1000000-2000000. My question is: How can I filter out these values into separate columns using galaxy tools? For example: Having a separate column for chromosome number, column for start position, column for end position. I would really appreciate the help. Thanks, Lanelle Edwards Lab Manger University of Maryland
galaxy • 834 views
ADD COMMENTlink modified 7.0 years ago by Luciano Cosme220 • written 7.0 years ago by Lanelle Oni Edwards50
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7.0 years ago by
Luciano Cosme220
Luciano Cosme220 wrote:
Hi Lanelle, You can go in Text Manipulation and use the "Convert delimiters to TAB" or "Cut columns from a table" and play with it a bit until you get your data in the format you want. I used it sometime ago to manipulate data for other analysis, but I don't remember exactly how I did it. Luciano
ADD COMMENTlink written 7.0 years ago by Luciano Cosme220
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