Question: Cloudman Share String Not Working
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6.2 years ago by
mailing list840
mailing list840 wrote:
Hi guys, I entered my share string "cm-808d863548acae7c2328c39a90f52e29/shared/2012-09-17--19-47" on this page "" in the field labeled "Shared cluster string" and click the button to create my instance. But then when I log into Cloudman the "Initial Cluster configuration" dialog is still appearing. I ran the same thing yesterday with an older share string and everything worked fine. Any ideas what could be going on? I'm pretty stuck. Thanks, Greg This is all I see in the cluster status log (I entered my share string again on the dialog, the disk status says 0 / 0 and applications and data lights are yellow, and don't seem to progress): 13:34:46 - Master starting 13:34:50 - Retrieved file 'shared/2012-09-17--19-47/shared_instance_file_list.txt' from bucket 'cm-808d863548acae7c2328c39a90f52e29' to 'shared_instance_file_list.txt'. 13:41:29 - Retrieved file 'shared/2012-09-17--19-47/shared_instance_file_list.txt' from bucket 'cm-808d863548acae7c2328c39a90f52e29' to 'shared_instance_file_list.txt'. 13:41:30 - Retrieved file 'persistent_data.yaml' from bucket 'cm-c8c215c4c67525d91b3a2598f9e370f7' to 'shared_p_d.yaml'. 13:41:31 - Created a data volume 'vol-7f2cc105' of size 5GB from shared cluster's snapshot 'snap-cfa775ba' 13:41:31 - Saved file 'persistent_data.yaml' to bucket 'cm-c8c215c4c67525d91b3a2598f9e370f7' 13:41:31 - Retrieved file 'persistent_data.yaml' from bucket 'cm-c8c215c4c67525d91b3a2598f9e370f7' to 'pd.yaml'.
ADD COMMENTlink modified 6.2 years ago by Dannon Baker3.7k • written 6.2 years ago by mailing list840
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6.2 years ago by
Dannon Baker3.7k
United States
Dannon Baker3.7k wrote:
My hunch is that there's a race condition during boot that I haven't had a chance to track down and fix yet. I've actually disabled the share_string launch parameter using Galaxy's built-in cloudlaunch until this has been fixed. You can definitely still use the share string, but start the instance without specifying it via your launcher (cloudlaunch, biocloudcentral, or manually in user data) and enter it in the initial configuration dialog for the instance instead. -Dannon
ADD COMMENTlink written 6.2 years ago by Dannon Baker3.7k
Thanks Dannon. I'm actually writing some documentation that I won't be able to update again for a few months. Will the old method (entering the share string on the initial configuration dialog) be around for a while? If so I'll just tell users to do that. Thanks, Greg
ADD REPLYlink written 6.2 years ago by mailing list840
Yes, entering the string on the instance's initial configuration dialog will always be an option. -Dannon
ADD REPLYlink written 6.2 years ago by Dannon Baker3.7k
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