Question: R Scripts For Deseq
gravatar for Liusong Yang
6.8 years ago by
Liusong Yang10
Liusong Yang10 wrote:
Hello, I am planning to put DESeq into galaxy. I am a newcomer for both Galaxy and R. I have already read all of the related discussion in this group. I also noticed that there are and DESeq.xml added into galaxy recently under the path of tools. These lines are from ### Run R providing the R script in $1 as standard input and passing ### the remaining arguments on the command line I guess this means we need to give the DESeq R script to the wrapper as standard input. My question is where or what is the DESeq R scripts? I installed R and DESeq package, but I can not fund anything like DESeq.R or something similar? I feel so confusing now. Any comments or suggestions would be absolutely appreciated! Thanks Lisa
galaxy • 1.3k views
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