Question: Fetch Closest Feature On Data
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10.1 years ago by
Steve Taylor240
Steve Taylor240 wrote:
Hi, Is there a way of returning accession number or IDs using "Fetch closest feature on data" in Galaxy? When I tried this function, it returned a list of coordinates and a temporary id (the first four columns are the input data). chr16 8038 8480 16.1 0.09567793 chr16 12632 13347 16.2 0.06949871 chr16 12632 13347 16.2 0.06949871 chr16 8038 8480 16.1 0.09567793 chr16 12632 13347 16.2 0.06949871 chr16 45006 46378 16.3 0.52806085 I was expecting it to work in a similar way to the Bioconductor ACME function findClosestGene where I get the nearest RefSeq gene accession. Kind regards and thanks for any help, Steve Medical Sciences Division Weatherall Institute of Molecular Medicine/Sir William Dunn School Oxford University
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