Question: Problem Uploading Files To Cloudman Galaxy
gravatar for Kevin Williamson
7.1 years ago by
Kevin Williamson10 wrote:
Hello, I seem to be unable to upload .fna files (eg, ~19 Mb in size) to a Cloudman Galaxy instance on an Amazon EC2 cluster [AMI = galaxy- cloudman-2011-03-22 (ami-da58aab3)]. I know that I can interact w/ the instance since I'm able to create/save workflows and add them to the tools menu. However, when I attempt to upload data files (stored on the computer I'm working at), the upload seems to hang in the perpetually uploading state. The .fna files CAN be quickly uploaded to the Penn State Galaxy, so I know there's no issue w. the files themselves. Has anyone else encountered this issue, and if so, what did you do to work around it? Any ideas/tips would be greatly appreciated. Thank you in advance, kevin
galaxy • 701 views
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