Question: Dot plot between two sequences
gravatar for ppurkayastha2010
3 months ago by
ppurkayastha201030 wrote:

Hi All,

Is there any tool to plot dot plot between two sequences such that each sequence will lie in an axis. X axis- sequence 1 and Y axis -sequence 2.

And dots are the matching genes between the two sequences.

assembly alignment • 161 views
ADD COMMENTlink modified 3 months ago by Hotz, Hans-Rudolf1.8k • written 3 months ago by ppurkayastha201030
gravatar for Hotz, Hans-Rudolf
3 months ago by
Hotz, Hans-Rudolf1.8k wrote:


The dots will be the matching sequences:
"dottup" (part of EMBOSS) is available on usegalaxy.*

Regards, Hans-Rudolf

ADD COMMENTlink written 3 months ago by Hotz, Hans-Rudolf1.8k
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