Question: Finding Snp Differences Between Datasets
gravatar for Nicola Nadeau
8.4 years ago by
Nicola Nadeau40 wrote:
Hi, I am trying to find SNPs and/or indel variants that differ between two groups of samples. The data are 454 sequence capture results spanning a region of interest for a non-model organism without a complete genome. I have mapped these to my reference sequence of the region and generated BAM and pileup files for them. Does anyone know of a tool or method (either in galaxy or elsewhere) that will allow me to compare datasets and pick out variation between them (as opposed to things that differ from the reference sequence). Many thanks, Nicola
galaxy • 1.5k views
ADD COMMENTlink modified 8.4 years ago by Mark A. DePristo10 • written 8.4 years ago by Nicola Nadeau40
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8.4 years ago by
Mark A. DePristo10 wrote:
Hi Nicola, I'd recommend you look at our suite of tools, called the GATK, for working with NGS data. It includes a very useful test of tools for comparing and evaluating SNP call quality: Best, Mark A. DePristo, Ph.D. Manager, Medical and Population Genetics Analysis Broad Institute of Harvard and MIT
ADD COMMENTlink written 8.4 years ago by Mark A. DePristo10
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