Question: delete the loaded dataset
gravatar for dhpark
5 months ago by
dhpark10 wrote:

Hi all, My problem is how to delete the dataset which is automatically loaded. I am using PC, Windows 10. I used a del key and backspace with/without ctrl and alt but It did not work. If you have the answer please let me know. Thank you.


ADD COMMENTlink modified 5 months ago • written 5 months ago by dhpark10
gravatar for Jennifer Hillman Jackson
5 months ago by
United States
Jennifer Hillman Jackson25k wrote:


Related Q&A: There may be a misunderstanding here - the datasets listed in the select menu are not all submitted to a job, only those that are selected are (will be highlighted once clicked on). The unhighlighted datasets will not be submitted to the job. You can test this out to see how it works.

For the multiple-select, you'll need to review the help for your OS to determine the correct keys to use. A google with the terms "windows 10 multiple select" brings up help and a bunch of prior Q&A where people have reported problems using the function. I didn't review the solutions to see if these were all really an actual OS problem (seems unlikely) or a usage problem (much more likely). Keyboard functions can be customized, which I suspect is part of the problem for at least some cases.

If you still really need to delete data, this is how.

However, I don't think you need to do this, instead you need to learn how to select datasets in the tool GUI properly.

Delete and optionally permanently delete datasets from within the History panel (the far right panel in the Analyze Data view).

In short, click on the X icon within a dataset to delete it. Deleted datasets still count toward account quota, but a benefit is that deleted data can be undeleted and made active/usable again.

To remove the dataset completely and have it removed from the account quota, use the link within the deleted dataset to permanently delete (aka "purge"). Or, to do this in batch, all datasets in a deleted state in a history can be purged at once using the History menu option "Purge Deleted Datasets". Purge datasets cannot be recovered (undeleted), so download a copy first if you want a backup. Backups are recommended for all important data anyway.

Entire histories can also be deleted/purged through a different protocol.

Full details for both are covered in these support FAQs:

Thanks, Jen, Galaxy team

ADD COMMENTlink modified 5 months ago • written 5 months ago by Jennifer Hillman Jackson25k

Update: More help from Martin on our team:

ctrl is the key to use for multi-select on ungrouped items on a PC running Windows OS

The full list is just the available datasets to choose from. Only highlighted/selected datasets are submitted to the tool. This means that you don't need to worry about datasets that are not highlighted.

ADD REPLYlink modified 5 months ago • written 5 months ago by Jennifer Hillman Jackson25k
gravatar for dhpark
5 months ago by
dhpark10 wrote:

Thank you for your kind reply and I really appreciate it.

ADD COMMENTlink written 5 months ago by dhpark10
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