I'm installing tools to galaxy, but some tools are not existed in tool shed, such as fqtrim. So, I install them by the method according to https://galaxyproject.org/admin/tools/add-tool-tutorial/.
But, it can not be found in my galaxy, I think the problem is xml file.
<tool id="fqtrim" name="fqtrim-0.9.7" version="0.9.7">
<description>can be used as a pre-processing or filtering step for next-generation sequence analysis pipelines (e.g. mapping, assembly) or as a post-processing utility for the analysis and potential recovery of unmapped reads or singletons resulting from such a pipeline</description>
## Minimum length of reads to be kept
-l \${min_length_kept}
## trim polyA/T at both ends
## use <numcpus> CPUs (threads) on the local machine
-p \${GALAXY_SLOTS:-1}
-o trim.fq
<param name="min_length" argument="-l" type="integer" optional="true" label="Minimum length of reads to be kept">
<param name="threads" argument="-p" type="integer" optional="true" label="use CPUs (threads) on the local machine">
<data name="trim.fq" label="${tool.name} on ${readtype.fastq_r1_in.name} (R1 paired)" format_source="fastq_r1_in">
<filter>readtype['single_or_paired'] == "pair_of_files"</filter>
<data name="trim.fq" label="${tool.name} on ${readtype.fastq_r2_in.name} (R2 paired)" format_source="fastq_r2_in">
<filter>readtype['single_or_paired'] == "pair_of_files"</filter>
Is there any trouble?