Question: Gatk Best Practices In Local Installation Of Galaxy
gravatar for Camille Stephan
7.3 years ago by
Camille Stephan30 wrote:
Hello guys, I'm trying to run a pipeline of the best practices for snp and indel discovery as described by the people at Broad and I'm running into troubles with the GATK tools in a local installation of Galaxy. The main problem I have is that merging bam files with the samtools merge tool doesn't keep read group for each sample, causing "Count Covariates" to crash. The pipeline works fine with a single bam file, but I need to realign at least two files at a time. Is there a way to set the read group of a merged bam inside Galaxy? Are there plans to include the "merge" tool from Picard in Galaxy? Is there an easy way for me to do this locally? (Although I would like to run this in the cloud later on when the workflow is ready). Thanks! Camille -- *** Camille Stephan-Otto Attolini, PhD Senior Research Officer, Bioinformatics and Biostatistics unit IRB Barcelona Tel (+34) 93 402 0553
samtools bam • 991 views
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