Question: Workflow not running (similar to previous issues)
gravatar for a.januszewski
8 months ago by
a.januszewski10 wrote:


Wonder if anyone can help? I have created a workflow but despite invoking does not appear in the history. It has not been sent to a different history.

It appears similar to a problem users had 5 months ago.

Wondering how best to resolve this?



workflow jobs editor execution • 282 views
ADD COMMENTlink modified 8 months ago by Jennifer Hillman Jackson25k • written 8 months ago by a.januszewski10
gravatar for Jennifer Hillman Jackson
8 months ago by
United States
Jennifer Hillman Jackson25k wrote:


The issues with workflow invocation from a few months ago have been resolved (

However, you may be running into a different issue (usage):

  • Make sure you are including the correct Inputs in your workflow. Add these within the workflow editor then reconnect all of the tools in the workflow, from the start to end (left to right within the editor).
  • Selecting multiple datasets as input, or a collection dataset, at runtime, are not possible. These must be explicitly included and defined using an Inputs. Pick Inputs from the tool panel - these are at the very top and will look and behave like a special tool.
  • There is one Inputs type for individual datasets and three Inputs types for collection datasets. Once a collection Inputs is added to a workflow, click into the collection input "type" field to pick the one that fits your data and fits the input settings for the downstream tool(s). If you have multiple inputs that are not in a collection, multiple individual dataset Inputs must be added to the workflow (one per expected input - or consider using a dataset collection instead if the number will vary between runs).

Galaxy Tutorials:

Collections tutorial:

Other users have run into this same issue with the details are covered here:

And this ticket seeks to better communicate proper usage:

Thanks! Jen, Galaxy team

ADD COMMENTlink written 8 months ago by Jennifer Hillman Jackson25k
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