Question: AWS incorrect credentials
gravatar for av.kuklin
9 months ago by
av.kuklin20 wrote:

Dear All!

Did anybody of you experienced the problem while registering your AWS account to the Galaxy? I am trying do do tha and Launching Galaxy CloudMan tells me that "The credentials you have entered are invalid."! I checked credentials hundreds of times, I even generated new one at AWS and checked new one hundreds of times, but I still have this problem. Could it be temporal bug? Would be thankful for any help!


ADD COMMENTlink modified 6 months ago by c2c1210 • written 9 months ago by av.kuklin20
gravatar for Enis Afgan
9 months ago by
Enis Afgan690
United States
Enis Afgan690 wrote:

Validating the credentials performs a listing of key pairs to test if a successful request can be made. I just tried this with a couple of different credentials and they both validated as expected so perhaps it was a temporal issue. If you're still experiencing this, what's the policy on the given IAM user? If it's restrictive, can you relax it to allow all of ec2 API calls?

ADD COMMENTlink written 9 months ago by Enis Afgan690
gravatar for yuanzoucd
8 months ago by
yuanzoucd0 wrote:

Dear all,

I have the same problem, I follow the steps from,

After I got API access credentials from AWS, then I used the access key and secret key to launch Galaxy CloudMan, it shows"The credentials you have entered are invalid." I get stuck into it:(

I tried create new users with multiple EC2 policies, but still not working.

Great thanks for any help!


ADD COMMENTlink written 8 months ago by yuanzoucd0

What is the policy on your IAM user? Have you tried setting the permissions to AdministratorAccess and seeing if that works? In general, the user policy requires full access to EC2 and S3 services.

ADD REPLYlink written 8 months ago by Enis Afgan690

I made a new user by using AdministratorAccess, AmazonS3FullAccess, and AmazonEC2FullAccess as the policies, but it still shows the same issue

ADD REPLYlink written 8 months ago by yuanzoucd0

Do you have any resources already created within the account? Perhaps there's a limit/quota that was reached. I can't reproduce this issue using my credentials so I'm taking stabs at a potential cause...

ADD REPLYlink written 8 months ago by Enis Afgan690
gravatar for c2c12
6 months ago by
c2c1210 wrote:

Same problem here. I tried 10 different keys on different days, any of them worked. I followed the instructions from

ADD COMMENTlink written 6 months ago by c2c1210

Have you considered the comments from above? I'm still not able to reproduce the issue.

To try to get to the bottom of this, are you reasonably comfortable on the command prompt and Python? Could you try running the following code as that's ultimately the code the validates the credentials:

On your command prompt:

virtualenv cb_auth_test
source cb_auth_test/bin/activate
pip install -U git+

In the Python shell then, run the following:

from import CloudProviderFactory
from import ProviderList
from import ProviderConnectionException
config = {'aws_access_key': 'YOUR AWS ACCESS KEY', 'aws_secret_key': 'YOUR AWS SECRET KEY'}
connection = CloudProviderFactory().create_provider(ProviderList.AWS, config)

You should get True as the output.

ADD REPLYlink modified 6 months ago • written 6 months ago by Enis Afgan690
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