Question: batch mode problem or bug?
gravatar for Elizabeth Clare
5 months ago by
Elizabeth Clare20 wrote:


I often use batch mode to run the same workflow on dozens to hundreds of files. However I've noticed that the same workflow I've built can have two different batch input formats. In case one I select many files by clicking on one from the list and then using my arrow keys to select those adjacent to that one (this is a problem if you don't want all the files selected but every other one etc. and in this case it's not acting as a batch mode at all because you have to pick one, run it then pick another run it etc.). The other input format is when you need to click on each file to run in the batch mode one at a time. This is a problem if you have hundreds of files and you need to click each one to enter it into the batch (but at least it is a batch mode).

What I can't figure out is why it randomly requires one or the other input format? I can't see any pattern to it. In fact sometimes I run one job through the workflow and the input changes to the other format and I can select them all at once.

Can anyone explain this? Thanks, Beth

galaxy • 163 views
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