Question: Local Galaxy Sending Job Error
gravatar for Furkan Kurtoglu
13 months ago by
Furkan Kurtoglu0 wrote:

Hi, I am relatively new to Galaxy. I am using Galaxy as a local. I installed tools via admin Tool Shed, and can use easily. However, yesterday, I started my analysis on a dataset. My data has 34 single-end fastq and turned them to fastqsanger with Groomer. After that, I sent them to Trimmomatic as multiple dataset. However, I faced with an error that showed below. 5 of them have been sent others, are gone. And this is persisting, it is about fourth time that I am facing for Trimmomatic. Also, for FASTQ Trimmer, I got same error for last 4 sample. Is there any installing error or missing dependencies? Thank you for your attention. I deleted some error parts that are exactly same with other other than ID and name of sample.

{ "tool_id": "", "tool_version": "0.36.4", "inputs": { "readtype|single_or_paired": "se", "readtype|fastq_in": { "values": [ { "src": "hda", "name": "FASTQ Groomer on data 3", "tags": [], "keep": false, "hid": 38, "id": "083fda2f72869a56" }, { "src": "hda", "name": "FASTQ Groomer on data 4", "tags": [], "keep": false, "hid": 39, "id": "851ce7c846ce6ccf" }, . . . . { "src": "hda", "name": "FASTQ Groomer on data 36", "tags": [], "keep": false, "hid": 71, "id": "782c6cc7ec4cfd9f" } ], "batch": true }, "illuminaclip|do_illuminaclip": "false", "operations_0|operation|name": "SLIDINGWINDOW", "operations_0|operation|window_size": "4", "operations_0|operation|required_quality": "20" } }

Bests, Furkan

ADD COMMENTlink modified 13 months ago by Jennifer Hillman Jackson25k • written 13 months ago by Furkan Kurtoglu0
gravatar for Jennifer Hillman Jackson
13 months ago by
United States
Jennifer Hillman Jackson25k wrote:


If the tools worked on some datasets yet are failing on others, this indicates an input problem, not a tool problem.

Double check your fastq data. Is the format correct/intact? No truncated files? The correct datatype is assigned? More details here:

Hope that helps, Jen, Galaxy team

ADD COMMENTlink written 13 months ago by Jennifer Hillman Jackson25k
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