Question: sample is not in fastq proper
khyatikajrekar1994 • 20 wrote:
hello, i was doing practice when i noticed i am not able to perform analysis of sample and the view of groomer is as below . please help me how to handle such kind of sample and are there any tools which i can use in such type of samples . !(.%%(--%.-%6%%196%.11.((++9%&+1'!&%+@!!%4'+-8A%)1) @SRRsolid0751_20120605_Chips02_FRAG_BC_Chips02_1_52_47/1 T31131003300330333300333033303330.3333..33333330330 + !.%/8%+(''&(1',*%<'6%')3=3'01')!+(1&!!+/)%467%(/( solid0751_20120605_Chips02_FRAG_BC_Chips02_1_53_69/1 T10012202101202121011220232110312.0310..31023331233