I believe I haven't used all the allocated memory in galaxy and removed all unrequired data permanently.please recalculate the memory usage for the same.
Thank you
I believe I haven't used all the allocated memory in galaxy and removed all unrequired data permanently.please recalculate the memory usage for the same.
Thank you
Please try these solutions to start with: https://biostar.usegalaxy.org/p/23625/#23630
If you still have trouble after that, please let us know and we can help more.
Thanks! Jen, Galaxy team
Update: I just checked your account and there are two active histories with a combined data total that is over the 250 GB allocation. (117.5 GB + 133.1 GB = 250.6 GB). Do you need more space for an active research project? If so, please send us an email at galaxy-bugs@lists.galaxyproject.org from your registered account email address and explain how much space you need, the purpose, and for how long.