Question: Ftp Access To Galaxy Data?
Ready, Robert F Jr • 10 wrote:
I am wondering if there is a way to directly access data sets created
and stored on Galaxy. A >50Gb set of raw sequencing results was
uploaded via FTP, and is currently being groomed and clipped.
Following the clipping, we would like to download a copy to a local
cluster for analysis with tools not available on Galaxy.
The only way I can find to do this is to download via the web
interface to a local computer, then copy the data to the cluster. I'd
rather not move the data twice if I can help it. Is there a way that I
can access Galaxy datasets via the command line on our cluster,
perhaps making the data available via FTP, so that I can directly
download it to the place it needs to be?
Thank you,
Robert Ready
Undergraduate Research Assistant
Logsdon Lab
Department of Biology
University of Iowa
• link
modified 7.8 years ago
Nate Coraor ♦ 3.2k
7.8 years ago by
Ready, Robert F Jr • 10