Question: Adding new DataProvider for JSON
gravatar for asmariyaz23
3.4 years ago by
United States
asmariyaz2310 wrote:

My goal is to read a JSON file from History into a JS script (for visualization puposes). The mako template where I read in the JSON from hda is as below:

<script src='/plugins/visualizations/igv/static/MutationInspectorWeb.js'></script>
     datalist = hda.datatype.dataprovider( hda, 'json' )
   var pipeline_inspector = ${h.to_json_string( datalist, indent=2 )};
   readData( pipeline_inspector );

In galaxy/lib/galaxy/datatypes/

from galaxy.datatypes import dataproviders
from galaxy.datatypes.dataproviders.dataset import JsonDataProvider
class Json( Text ):
@dataproviders.decorators.dataprovider_factory( 'json', JsonDataProvider.settings )
def json_dataprovider( self, dataset, **settings ):
         dataset_source = dataproviders.dataset.DatasetDataProvider( dataset )
         return JsonDataProvider( dataset_source, **settings )

In galaxy/lib/galaxy/datatypes/dataproviders:

class JsonDataProvider( base.DataProvider ):
       def __init__( self, dataset, **kwards ):
            self.dataset = dataset

       def __iter__( self ):
           if (self.dataset in not None):
              yield [list(line) for line in self.dataset]

I end up returning a module and not a list of strings. The traceback is as below:

AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'to_json_string'. MutationInspector.js requires a JSON object to run correctly. Can anyone help me what I can do differently to return a JSON object or string?

galaxy dataprovider json • 1.3k views
ADD COMMENTlink modified 3.4 years ago • written 3.4 years ago by asmariyaz2310
gravatar for carlfeberhard
3.4 years ago by
United States
carlfeberhard390 wrote:

Hello and awesome job so far!

I believe what's happening is the 'Json' string used to request a new provider:

data = list( hda.datatype.dataprovider( hda, 'Json' ) )

does not match the 'json' string you've used to define the provider:

@dataproviders.decorators.dataprovider_factory( 'json', JsonDataProvider.settings )
ADD COMMENTlink written 3.4 years ago by carlfeberhard390

I was able to move forward from No DataProvider issue, but ended up having an AttributeError. I have updated my original post to reflect on the stage that I am. If you could take a look and comment- that will be great!

ADD REPLYlink written 3.4 years ago by asmariyaz2310

The documentation is outdated. I believe you can do that now with:

var pipeline_inspector = ${h.dumps( datalist, indent=2 )};

Just from the name pipeline_inspector, I'm assuming you're using this pattern for debugging (at least currently). If it wasn't debugging, keep in mind the thing about json in particular: if you're not filtering the results, a dataprovider may not be necessary. 

Dataproviders were meant to operate on non-json files and use json as a medium of communication between a dataset and a visualization. Also, since JSON is hierarchically structured, the iterator pattern used by dataproviders may not make sense.

I'll see what I can do about making a json-specific provider available in the core - since it's a bit of odd situation.

In the meantime, another way you might make a provider directly in the datatypes/ file is:

from galaxy.datatypes import dataproviders


class Json( Text ):
    edam_format = "format_3464"
    file_ext = "json"


    @dataproviders.decorators.dataprovider_factory( 'raw', {} )
    def raw_dataprovider( self, dataset ):
        lines = dataproviders.dataset.DatasetDataProvider( dataset )
        yield json.loads( ''.join( lines ) )

This will open the file, join the lines in it, and load it into a python dictionary. 

And then, in your visualization mako file:

var pipeline_inspector = ${ h.dumps( hda.datatype.raw_dataprovider( hda ).next(), indent=2 ) };

You can use next here (and not list) since json is hierarchical and only 'has' one element (the dictionary/json-object).



ADD REPLYlink written 3.4 years ago by carlfeberhard390

My goal is to retrieve a JSON dataset from history (which is an output of another pipeline) and feed this JSON dataset as a JSON object to the MutationInspector.js's. I will try to use the "dumps" method now. 

ADD REPLYlink written 3.4 years ago by asmariyaz2310

Ok your solution worked like a charm!! Thanks...

ADD REPLYlink written 3.4 years ago by asmariyaz2310
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