Question: Problem With Stale Pages - Proxy Issue?
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8.0 years ago by
Peter260 wrote:
Hi all, I've been using Galaxy happily from both Mac and Linux machines, both on and our local server. Today I wanted to give a demo so I tried using Galaxy on a few Windows machines (problems with IE6 cropped up). However, I found a general problem (also affecting Firefox and Chrome) with stale pages... e.g. The history on the right hand column often required a manual refresh (via the blue icon top left of the history column) after running a tool. Also, and more confusingly, on logging in or logging out, the user menu did not automatically get refreshed, nor did the workflow page - it would show me workflows when logged out, or say I was logged out when I was logged in. In all these cases a hard refresh (shift/control + F5) made things right. My *guess* is that our Windows machines are all going via an institute proxy, while the Mac and Linux machines are not. Has anyone experienced anything similar, and could offer any tips for what to check? Thanks, Peter
galaxy • 820 views
ADD COMMENTlink modified 8.0 years ago • written 8.0 years ago by Peter260
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8.0 years ago by
Peter260 wrote:
Confirmed - our IT guys are adding our Galaxy server to the proxy bypass whitelist now. You can also do this manually on an individual machine (assuming this hasn't been locked down by your administrators). For XP, 1. Start menu, 2. Settings, 3. Control Panel, 4. Network and Internet Connections 5. Internet options 6. Select tab: Connections 7. Click on LAN settings (bottom) 8. Under proxy server, click on advanced 9. Under exceptions, add your server to the semi-colon separated list. Or, 1. Open IE 2. Click on Tools 3. Click on Internet options 4. See step 6 above onwards With that done, things are mostly working as expected for me on IE7. Sometimes I do still have to manually click on the history's blue refresh icon though... Peter
ADD COMMENTlink written 8.0 years ago by Peter260
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