Question: (Closed) Rank Terms as part of Genome Diversity
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2.8 years ago by
European Union
h.stotz20 wrote:

Dear Jen,

I have a gene list and a table file with GO terms.  How can I make the gene list be used in the enrichment analysis.  Apparently the program is set such that only tables can be compared, not gene lists.

I used Rank Terms as part of Genome Diversity.  This should be doing just what I need.  However, my gene list is not recognised as a Query dataset because I uploaded it as a multi-byte char file.  How can I make it a tabular file?

I placed the number 1 on the first line of the gene list.  Then, a tabular format could be uploaded  and used for the Enrichment analysis.  However the analysis was not completed and the result showed up red in my history.

I hope you can help me with this.

Best wishes,



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