Question: Convert .txt in to .bed format to upload into Galaxy
gravatar for c.s.karandeni-dewage
2.8 years ago by
c.s.karandeni-dewage0 wrote:

I am trying to get flanking sequence of a list of SNPs. I have the list of SNPs in a excel which I need to convert to the bed format. I looked up for some solution on-line but was not successful. I appreciate any advice on this issue. Thank you.   

galaxy • 3.2k views
ADD COMMENTlink modified 2.8 years ago by matthias.desmet150 • written 2.8 years ago by c.s.karandeni-dewage0

CKP! i have the same problem. Have you find the solution at that problem? Thank u

ADD REPLYlink written 7 months ago by simomll0
gravatar for matthias.desmet
2.8 years ago by
matthias.desmet150 wrote:


I'm not aware of any tools that can format an excel file to bed. You'll have to manually format the columns following the BED specification (look here:, export your file to a tab delimited format and manually add the .bed extension.


ADD COMMENTlink written 2.8 years ago by matthias.desmet150

Dear Matthias,

Thanks much for the answer. I did try this before and when I uploaded the file onto Galaxy, it appeared as '.bed.txt'. So, I thought that it would not work. Anyway, it worked at the end. Thanks again. 


ADD REPLYlink written 2.8 years ago by c.s.karandeni-dewage0
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