I have been trying to run the gi2taxonomy.py script (see link), but I m getting an error and I dont know exactly what is wrong.
Anybody can help please?
I am running it on a cluster and my input file lookes like this (txt):
1 320336089
2 320336089
That's how I tried to run it:
module load http-proxy
./gi2taxonomy.py -i gi_example.txt -o results.txt
And got this error:
import: unable to open X server `'.
import: unable to open X server `'.
import: unable to open X server `'.
import: unable to open X server `'.
./gi2taxonomy.py: line 6: from: command not found
./gi2taxonomy.py: line 10: syntax error near unexpected token `('
./gi2taxonomy.py: line 10: `def stop_err(msg):'
I m new with using python so any help is welcome!