Question: Galaxy unable to communicate with DRM: code 2: Requested session "XXXXXX" does not exist
gravatar for BWimS
8 weeks ago by
BWimS0 wrote:

After upgrading Univa grid engine from 8.5.4 to version 8.6.2 galaxy seems unable to retrieve the status of jobs that it launched on the grid.

Jobs are being started on the cluster, I can see them run and finish on the cluster, but the job status in galaxy website UI never goes from 'waiting' (grey) , to running (yellow), to finished ('green'). WARNING 2018-10-02 10:24:56,780 (16943/23806467) unable to communicate with DRM: code 2: Requested session "25447" does not exist WARNING 2018-10-02 10:24:57,823 (16942/23806466) unable to communicate with DRM: code 2: Requested session "25447" does not exist WARNING 2018-10-02 10:24:57,846 (16943/23806467) unable to communicate with DRM: code 2: Requested session "25447" does not exist WARNING 2018-10-02 10:24:58,870 (16942/23806466) unable to communicate with DRM: code 2: Requested session "25447" does not exist WARNING 2018-10-02 10:24:58,890 (16943/23806467) unable to communicate with DRM: code 2: Requested session "25447" does not exist WARNING 2018-10-02 10:24:59,916 (16942/23806466) unable to communicate with DRM: code 2: Requested session "25447" does not exist WARNING 2018-10-02 10:24:59,948 (16943/23806467) unable to communicate with DRM: code 2: Requested session "25447" does not exist WARNING 2018-10-02 10:25:00,976 (16942/23806466) unable to communicate with DRM: code 2: Requested session "25447" does not exist WARNING 2018-10-02 10:25:00,997 (16943/23806467) unable to communicate with DRM: code 2: Requested session "25447" does not

This error is thrown by this galaxy code.

There is this line

log.warning("(%s/%s) unable to communicate with DRM: %s", galaxy_id_tag, external_job_id, e)

The errorClass that is thrown does not hold more details.

Does anyone have an idea on how to fix or troubleshoot this issue? Thank you.

galaxy univa grid engine • 142 views
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