Question: Problems with login into Galaxy (local instance)
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3.4 years ago by
FT0 wrote:

Hello Galaxy community :)

I need your help to solve a problem that drives me crazy for few days.

I have installed a local instance of Galaxy on a VM (CentOS 6.5). And it worked until shortly.  I logged out from my Galaxy admin account to connect to another account that I created before (to test the different permissions on librairies).

Since then I'm not able to connect with any user account.
I encounter the same problem discussed here Problems with login into local Galaxy instance
It seems the window refreshes to the welcome page, and I can't login even as admin.

I try to start (Git clone) another instance of Galaxy on the same VM (start fresh with the galaxy.ini.sample first, then with my own galaxy.ini since I made no adjustements before I get this error). On both cases, I still get the same problem.

Since the login information is stored in the database (I kept the default database), I installed Postgresql and change database_connexion in galaxy.ini. When I restart the instance, it seems to load the new database without any problem, but still I can't login.

Additional information : I'm a newbie (with Galaxy and its environment, and also in english but I hope I was clear enough).

Thank you for your help !

local instance login galaxy • 1.5k views
ADD COMMENTlink written 3.4 years ago by FT0

Nice sounds wired! Can you please remove also your browser cache or use a different one? Btw. which one are you using? If you remove/change your database you need to create a new user. Can you create new user?

ADD REPLYlink written 3.4 years ago by Bjoern Gruening5.1k

Thank you for your answer!

I use Firefox and I regularly clean the browser cache (since I tested the tutorial on integrating perl script in the tool shed : the new tool did not appear in the left panel when it seemed to be recognized while charging Galaxy).
I can try with another browser (not chrome because I think it no longer supports CentOS 6).

My login problem occured with the default sqlite database. When I started the second instance of Galaxy I tried to register with the same email address that I used for the first instance. But I got a warning message that says this email address was already used. I don't know how sqlite manage the users authentification. I thought it depended on the instance of Galaxy but apparently not.

I restarted my instance this morning (with the default sql database -> I removed the postgresql DB last week since it didn't solve my problem) trying to register with the same email address and I got a "now logged in as ****@***.com".

Galaxy makes fun of me.

But still I would like to know where the problem lies.
When you say "create a new user" did you mean a sql user (created after the installation of postgresql) or a Galaxy user (created through the graphic interface) ?

ADD REPLYlink written 3.4 years ago by FT0

Depending on your postgresql version, it can be that you need to deactivate PBKDF in your galaxy.ini.




ADD REPLYlink written 3.4 years ago by Bjoern Gruening5.1k
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