Hi, I am installed TMAP from https://toolshed.g2.bx.psu.edu/view/nilshomer/tmap_wrapper in my local galaxy
I am trying to run TMAP using a reference sequence from my history, I uploaded the reference sequence as .fasta and selected a fastq file from the history also. Then for the setting I used "commanly used" but I found the following error
Tool execution generated the following error message:
Error indexing reference sequence. Warning: ambiguous qualifier f (fformat, fopenfile)
Warning: ambiguous qualifier 'f' (filter, fatal, fformat, fopenfile)
Died: Unknow qualifier -f
The tool produced the following additional output:
Could not determine TMAP version
I am also installed galaxy localy in my personal computer and installed TMAP for the same repository, and used the tool in the same conditions, and I have also problems, but the error is different.
Thanks for your help with TMAP!
Thanks Martin,
I will check the link of github to compile and install tmap