Question: Unable To Import Dataset From History Into Data Library
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8.1 years ago by
gerrit50 wrote:
Dear Galaxy Users, Since I've updated my Galaxy version I'm unable to import any dataset from my history into my data library. It returns a message of e.g. "Invalid item id (1464) specified". I then did a complete new test installation to make sure that this problem wasn't because of the update. But the error still remains. I've included a screen shot that reports the error. When a queried the database the dataset id does exist in the history_dataset_association table. I went through the paster.log file and found the following warning message: Unknown library item type: <class 'galaxy.model.historydatasetassociation'="">. I'm sure this is the problem and would need to find a way to fix it. Does anyone have the same issue? Thanks, Gerrit
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