Question: HTSeq-count (Unexpected result of .sam and .gtf)
gravatar for jchen015
3.8 years ago by
jchen01580 wrote:

Dear all

I am trying to map the readings between a .sam file and a .gtf file by leveraging on the functionality of HTSeq-Count. However, there are some unexpected result which i presume the problems lies with the format of the files.


.sam file format :

.gtf file format :

results of the map result :


The result shows that the readings are:



not_aligned: 22998


I am really not expecting this result, may I know where am i wrong at?





gtf sam htseq-count • 1.4k views
ADD COMMENTlink modified 3.8 years ago • written 3.8 years ago by jchen01580
gravatar for Hotz, Hans-Rudolf
3.8 years ago by
Hotz, Hans-Rudolf1.8k wrote:

I am not an HTSeq-count expert at all, but I have a guess:

As far as I can see, your sam file picture only shows reads which do not map (i.e. sam flag is 4). It might be helpfull to show a line with a read which is mapping to a chromosme, in order to check the format of chromosome names (e.g. "chr1" or "1").

Just in case it is "chr1", you most likely run into troubles, since the chromosome are labeled "1","2", etc in your gff file





ADD COMMENTlink written 3.8 years ago by Hotz, Hans-Rudolf1.8k

Hi hans-rudolf

Thanks for the reply. What if I require a mapping of my sam files to produce a visualization of the genome, genes and short reads, what should be the appropriate way of achieving it?

If it is impossible, then what are some recommendations you would think I should adopt to resolve this issue?




ADD REPLYlink written 3.8 years ago by jchen01580

Hi Julius

I am struggling to understand your latest comment.....are you still talking about your HTSeq-count problem? If you have a differnt question (about visualization?), please start a new thread.




ADD REPLYlink modified 3.8 years ago • written 3.8 years ago by Hotz, Hans-Rudolf1.8k

Hi Hans-Rudolf

My apologies.

Let me rephrase my comment. What I am trying to say here was......

I am unable to modify my .sam file, that is the format that I received from my source. My concern now is, if I want to map the readings for this .sam file, how can I do that? Am I able to do it with a gtf file ?

Referencing to your comment: "It might be helpfull to show a line with a read which is mapping to a chromosme, in order to check the format of chromosome names (e.g. "chr1" or "1")."

How can I do that?



ADD REPLYlink written 3.8 years ago by jchen01580

sorry, but it is just getting more confusing.....and I start wondering where is the connection to Galaxy?

Anyway, you have a sam file.  sam files are tab delimted text files, hence you can open your file in any text editor, and of course you can use  the 'Text Manipulation' and 'Filter and Sort' tools in Galxy to look at it. I recomend reading up on sam file specification to understand what each cloumn means.


ADD REPLYlink written 3.8 years ago by Hotz, Hans-Rudolf1.8k
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