Question: Integrating External Data Sources While Running Behind A Firewall
gravatar for Martin Senger
7.7 years ago by
Martin Senger50 wrote:
Hi, I am not sure if I understand correctly how the external data sources (i.e. BioMart) are integrated into Galaxy. However, I believe that the Galaxy sends an HTTP request to the external data source with the parameter GALAXY_URL - and this URL is used later by the external data source to send parameters for a subsequent request resubmission. Without going to further details (about sync and async method), it seems to me that in any case the URL given in GALAXY_URL must be a publicly available URL (available from/by the external source). 1) But what if I am running my own Galaxy behind a firewall that does not allow access from the outside? 2) If I cannot make our firewall open, is there a way (perhaps in the Galaxy configuration) to change the host name that Galaxy is using when creating its GALAXY_URL parameter? That would allow me have a "third-party" URL where Galaxy and external data sources can communicate together. Many thanks for any help, Martin -- Martin Senger email:, skype: martinsenger
galaxy • 1.1k views
ADD COMMENTlink modified 7.7 years ago by Jelle Scholtalbers360 • written 7.7 years ago by Martin Senger50
gravatar for Jelle Scholtalbers
7.7 years ago by
Jelle Scholtalbers360 wrote:
Hi Martin, Your galaxy instance does not have to be accessible from outside. The GALAXY_URL is send to the external datasource to create a new url that your browser understands and that galaxy will use to retrieve the data prepared by the service. E.g. http://localhost/galaxy/tool_id=1?url=http://externaldata/dat1.txt. You only have to make sure that galaxy is able to reach the external service. Cheers, Jelle
ADD COMMENTlink written 7.7 years ago by Jelle Scholtalbers360
Aha! Thank you; it's clear now - and it's working fine behind our firewall. Martin -- Martin Senger email:, skype: martinsenger
ADD REPLYlink written 7.7 years ago by Martin Senger50
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