Question: Error in running the RNA-Seq workflow
gravatar for karanbir
4.0 years ago by
United States
karanbir0 wrote:

I am trying to run workflow on one set of samples (RNA-Seq experiment. But after entering all the information regarding samples and parameters for different modules (TopHat, Cufflinks, etc) when i press on "Run the workflow". it gives the following error:


Internal Server Error

Galaxy was unable to successfully complete your request

An error occurred.

This may be an intermittent problem due to load or other unpredictable factors, reloading the page may address the problem.

The error has been logged to our team. If you want to contact us about this error, please reference the following

GURU MEDITATION: #f36f2826a5f54953b94c96dbd8682169

Let me know if you need to see the workflow itself (i can send you that too)

Kindly let me know what could be the problem? I would highly appreciate if you could let me know about this at the earliest as i have to finish up some work before the Monday deadline (i.e.11/24/2014)

thanking you,


rna-seq • 992 views
ADD COMMENTlink modified 4.0 years ago • written 4.0 years ago by karanbir0
gravatar for Jennifer Hillman Jackson
4.0 years ago by
United States
Jennifer Hillman Jackson25k wrote:


Please re-run the workflow this morning, if you have not already. Let us know if you continue to have problems.

Thanks, Jen, Galaxy team

ADD COMMENTlink written 4.0 years ago by Jennifer Hillman Jackson25k

It still gives the same error :( 

As my workflow involves RNA-Seq analysis using 64 steps (different tools which might require high memory?)

Can i use some more resources to run my workflow (maybe high performance computer server?).If so, do you know how could i do that?


ADD REPLYlink written 4.0 years ago by karanbir0
gravatar for karanbir
4.0 years ago by
United States
karanbir0 wrote:


It still gives the same error :( 

As my workflow involves RNA-Seq analysis using 64 steps (different tools which might require high memory?)

Can i use some more resources to run my workflow (maybe high performance computer server?).If so, do you know how could i do that?


ADD COMMENTlink written 4.0 years ago by karanbir0
gravatar for Dannon Baker
4.0 years ago by
Dannon Baker3.7k
United States
Dannon Baker3.7k wrote:

Sorry for the potential misinformation in the error message.  This doesn't have anything to do with the resource requirements of your workflow -- the error I'm seeing on the back end is that we "Failed to match up multi-select inputs, must select equal number of data files in each.".

How exactly are you selecting and running multiple samples?

ADD COMMENTlink written 4.0 years ago by Dannon Baker3.7k
gravatar for karanbir
4.0 years ago by
United States
karanbir0 wrote:

Thanks for replying back.

Yes for each experiment i have 3 biological reps. For each replicate, i have different number of paired reads from RNA-Seq data (which i select individually/replicate) e.g.


Sample C8 (Exp - 1)

Biological rep a - 8 reads

Biological rep b - 9 reads

Biological rep c - 8 reads


Sample A8 (Exp - 2) 

Biological rep a - 9 reads

Biological rep b - 9 reads

Biological rep c - 9 reads

My analysis involves comparing exp 1 and exp 2 expression profiles. And i select all those reads (for each biological; Exp1 and Exp2; individually for each biological rep)

Kindly let me know if i can fix that.Or would i have to run each replicate separately in the workflow?



ADD COMMENTlink written 4.0 years ago by karanbir0
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